Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lemon Grass

Lemon grass tea and its many medicinal benefits has been a refreshing discovery,

Thanks to my daughter, Tracy....and her relentless ability
 to research for her Mama.

It seems that it has been growing in Israel and the fresh, green fields have become a Mecca for those suffering with cancer.

A drink with as little as one gram of lemon grass contains enough citral to prompt the cancer cells to commit suicide in the test tube.

Citral is the key ingredient that gives the lemony taste and aroma.  No one knows why this helps for sure, there are a few theories,

but in the meantime people undergoing radiation and chemo treatments have been drinking a few glasses each day.

We were on a quest to find this stuff! 

 Ingles had a small package with a few brownish stalks for $1 in the herb section.  I bought it, as it was the ONLY thing in the store that mentioned lemon grass.  We searched around town thinking we could find a plant.  Certainly Home Depot or Nelson's Ace Hardware had some in their garden section.....not!  They never even heard of it.

Disappointed, we abandoned the idea until it came up in conversation that evening with my sister, Rita.  "Lemon grass", she said "Hmmmmm.....oh, I think Mom grows that".  She called Anita and sure enough,, she's been growing and cooking with it for years. 

Right in our own 'backyard'!

She promptly put a plant together for me and I have been enjoying it for several weeks now. 

Another benefit,  I have discovered just recently; it helps, big time, with these ulcerating mouth sores I have developed.

(one of the chemo side effects)

The book of Ezekiel, Chapter  47,  has a section on the healing waters and trees, describing the river as a source for healing and abundant life...

for everything and everyone.

Great volumes and variety of vegetation, everlasting and productive, will result from this living water,

the image Jesus used when describing the life He gives to those who believe in Him.

An interesting verse stood out to me:

"...Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for medicine." Ezekiel 47:12b NKJ

Thank you, Lord..... for lemon grass!!

Prayer requests -- mouth sores to diminish, along with fatigue and cramping.....feels like the monthly kind I remember having in my early 20's     :)

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