Friday, August 12, 2011

Spinach and Praise

Rejuvenation time! After a peaceful sleep and morning devotions is when the tummy starts to grumble and complain. 

Better to feed it healthy fuel. 
Fresh organic spinach with homegrown tomatoes and
 'Born Free' brown eggs. 

Mmmm good!

MonaVie, calcium, osteo-mend, salmon Omega 3 oil,  Every Woman's One Daily (whole Food multi-vitamin) come next , all washed down with a warm cup of Lemon Grass 'tea'.

  I'm off to a good start.

My sister Mary still sleeps, (it must have been that soaking tub) but I am up and going. 

 I'm losing the pump today.... Hallelujah!

Unhitching the of this cumbersome chemo infusion!  I won't be seeing this contraption again until Sept 06, when they will hook it up again for another run...the last run.

Now it's necessary to flush the port with saline so as to
 keep complications at bay.

This feels like cool water going into an angry wound....refreshing. 

The port site is hurting some,'s still pretty new. It'll be better without the weightier attachment.

Much better.  Now I can move about a little easier.  I say a little easier as I have been lagging a little.  The fatigue is starting to catch up. 
A nap a day helps keep this from gaining any ground.

Know what else helps? The kindness of my sweet sister-in-law, Stephanie. 

She spent a lot of time transferring my accumulated list
(thank you dear family and friends)
of worship music on to my MP3 player.

Nothing..... I  repeat, nothing...brings me into the throne room like
 worship and praise!

Praise God, Praise God, Praise God....Amen and amen, glory to Your name.

Thank you, dear ones.

Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take a hold of it by the handle of anxiety, or by the handle of faith...thank you, Candy!

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